Tenant-Approved Upgrades That Add to Your Rental Return

As a property owner, building care and upkeep can eat into your profits. But, don’t worry, as there are simple, cost-effective methods to keep your property looking its best, while also increasing your rental revenue. Let’s look at the top upgrades that your tenants, and your wallet, will love:

A Fresh Coat of Paint

You might be surprised to learn that painting provides the greatest return on investment of any rental property improvement. Buying paint in bulk may even help you get a better price for this common upgrade! Just make sure to include any stipulations in your lease that pertain to painting the rental property. (more…)

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The Advantages of Renting Over Buying

Around two-thirds of Americans prefer to be homeowners rather than renters. Although most people consider renting to be a stepping stone to purchasing a house, there are a number of advantages to renting that make it a far better option than buying!

Lower Monthly Expenses 

Renting is frequently less expensive than buying a property on a monthly basis. Rentals are often less costly in the end when you total up your mortgage, property taxes, and insurance, particularly in comparison to a low-down-payment mortgage with private mortgage insurance.  (more…)

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Why You Should Rent Through a Property Management Company

Renting through a property management company is a great idea for many reasons. There are similarities and differences between landlords and property management companies, so it can be helpful to know why so many people prefer renting through a neutral, third-party property management service.

These companies often take care of a range of duties for rental properties. The benefits for tenants include:

A Single Point of Contact

The biggest advantage of renting from a property management company is having a single point of contact for any questions or concerns you might have, from pet deposits to maintenance and repair needs.  (more…)

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How to Get Your Property Rent-Ready

There is a lot to do any time you need to get your property rent-ready, from cleaning to repairing to marketing and showing. Property management can be a hefty task, but it doesn’t have to be! 

Here are a few of many things you can do to prepare your property for renters:

Freshen Up the Curb Appeal

The first area you need to focus on is the exterior. In other words, work on your property’s curb appeal. Liven up the landscaping, remove debris or trash, repaint if necessary, and tidy up the space. (more…)

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The Pros and Cons of Raising Monthly Rent

With the shifts in the rental market over the past few months, property owners and landlords across the country are faced with a decision: should they raise monthly rental rates for their tenants?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, here are a few of the things that you should keep in mind as you weigh your options:

The Pros

Raising rent for your tenants is never an easy choice. But, some definite benefits come with increasing your rental income, including: (more…)

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Establishing a Good Relationship Between Landlord and Tenant

A happy tenant is a good tenant who makes payments on time, treats the property with respect, and communicates when there is a problem. 

So, how exactly do you make your tenant happy? At RPM, we think it helps to establish a healthy relationship from the get-go. And, since we work with people on both ends of the rental contract, you can trust our expertise in this area!

Below, we offer tips for building a good relationship between landlord and tenant. Use them as stepping stones to create a solid connection that will last for months and years to come.  (more…)

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A Landlord’s Right to Enter Their Rental Property

When a property is under contract as a rental, both the tenants and the landlord have specific legal rights. A tenant has a right to privacy, but at the same time, a landlord (or their property management company) has the right to enter the property they own – under certain conditions.

When Can a Landlord Legally Enter a Rental?

There are a variety of legal reasons why a tenant would be required to let a landlord into the rental. These include: (more…)

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How Often Should You Inspect Your Rental Property?

Most landlords will agree that inspecting your rental property one to three times each year is acceptable. Some landlords only do this three times during a lease: at move-in, within six months after a move-in, and then again when tenants move out. 

Some landlords do not ever inspect their properties at all, and instead, rely on a property management company to handle the task.

Regardless of your inspection schedule, as a landlord, you must give your tenants notice of inspections at least 24 to 48 hours in advance. Below, we’ll explore the pros and cons of different inspection intervals to help you decide how often you want to inspect your rentals. (more…)

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Why Move-In Property Conditions Checklists Are Important

There’s so much to do when it comes to renting out a property. Any step you can make to streamline this process is a great benefit, which is why move-in property condition checklists are such an asset. 

 Move-in property conditions checklists make it easier for both you and your tenant by facilitating transparency and accountability upfront. 

 If you don’t already have a checklist in place or aren’t sure why you need one, this quick read will fill you in on what you need to know! 

What Is a Move-In Property Conditions Checklist? 

The move-in property conditions checklist is a document that states the condition of the property at the time of move-in. This checklist works for both parties by serving as a documented agreement of the rental’s condition at the start of a new lease. The checklist should be signed in conjunction with the lease to minimize the chance of a dispute later on. (more…)

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How to Deal With an Unauthorized Person Living in Your Rental Property

Managing rental is a tough job. It involves constant diligence, staying current on state laws, and having to make tough decisions at a moment’s notice. 

 Of all the challenging situations that can arise when renting out properties, dealing with an unauthorized person in your property is one of the most frustrating. 

 Whether you own or manage the property, the following information is intended to help with this difficult endeavor. 

What Exactly Is an Unauthorized Occupant? 

In the simplest terms, an unauthorized occupant is a person who isn’t on a lease but still lives in the home. If someone in the residence has stayed long beyond what would count as a visit and is living with the tenant, then you’ll need to take action to remove the unauthorized occupant. A few examples of unauthorized occupants are: (more…)

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