Does Your Rental Meet Safety Standards?

Keeping your rental property in good condition requires more than just making it look attractive to prospective tenants. Each time a unit becomes vacant, take the time to perform a basic safety inspection to ensure your new tenants can live safely in the dwelling while reducing your liability and risk of facing state fines. 

Is It Time for a Lead Inspection?

Every two years, you will need an accredited contractor to perform a visual and dust inspection for lead, according to the Maryland Department of the Environment. Once the contractor approves the inspection, you will receive a temporary lead-free certification for the unit. 

Check for Interior Safety Issues

Before you begin making repairs for normal wear and tear, you should check the interior of the rental unit for safety issues. This inspection should include ensuring that all doors and windows open and close properly. Test the wiring by making sure the lights turn on and off as they should, and look for scorch marks around outlets and light fixtures.

Look for water stains, which indicate roofing problems, and check for holes that suggest the presence of insects and other pests. Check for loose safety railings, poor lighting, and damaged flooring that could lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Don’t forget to keep up with the testing and inspection of fire safety equipment and devices.

Inspect the Exterior for Safety Problems

You should also ensure the exterior of the rental property meets safety standards. Make sure that external lighting is operational and stairs are free from obstructions and damage. Update any faded parking lot striping to help tenants keep fire zones and handicapped spots clear.

We Can Help Keep Your Rental Property Safe

Keeping up with state and local laws regarding rental property safety can feel overwhelming, but Reliable Property Management, Inc. can help. To learn more about our management services, contact us via our website or call (443) 869-3799.