How to Manage Tenant Repair Requests

As a property owner and landlord, you are responsible for making sure that any necessary repairs on your rental property are conducted promptly and efficiently. However, maintaining that responsibility can be difficult, especially if you own multiple properties or work other jobs in addition to property management. 

Tips for Managing Requests for Repairs

If repairs aren’t made in a timely manner, your tenant’s safety could be in jeopardy, and you could end up with legal trouble on your hands. Therefore, In order to set yourself up for success when fulfilling your tenants’ repair requests, take the time to consider the following helpful tips:

Create an Organization System 

There are many ways to organize information, from software built specifically for property management to a spreadsheet you design yourself. Organizing requests in order of urgency is also helpful for keeping track of your property repair to-do list.

No matter how you choose to organize your repair requests, though, you must make sure you stay consistent and never forget to make an entry. 

Respond Promptly

Whether your tenant’s repair is urgent or not, it’s important to respond to their message as promptly as possible. Doing so will show them that their needs are important to you. 

Schedule Professionals ASAP

The best plumbers, electricians, and other professionals are often busy, which is why you should schedule any fixes you know your property needs sooner rather than later. Additionally, the sooner the issues are fixed, the more likely you are to prevent them from becoming worse.

Budget for Repairs

Home repairs can be pricey, even if you catch the underlying issues early, so don’t forget to leave plenty of room in your expense budget for fixes. 

Handle Your Rentals Like a Pro With Reliable Property Management

If you need some help managing your property, we’ve got you covered. Give Reliable Property Management a call today at (443) 869-3799.